
Why Wannabe Wino?

Matt, my husband, and I went to Sonoma on our honeymoon years ago. We had always been wine drinkers, thanks to the generosity of a very good friend’s mother, but actually visiting part of CA wine country really cemented our love of wine.  I find visiting wine country can be a little intoxicating, and we arrived back home with 18 cases of wine and about 12 wine clubs.  I wanted to find out what other people were saying about the wines we discovered in Sonoma, so I turned to the internet. Surprisingly, no one seemed to be saying much about these small, mostly family owned wineries.

However, in looking for information, I discovered the world of wine blogs.  It hooked me immediately and after a few months and some encouragement, I decided that if no one else wanted to talk about the wines I drink, I would.  And thus, Wannabe Wino carved out a little bit of space on the internet. I’ve been blogging about wine for about 6 years now, previously over at blogger.  The blog grew tremendously over that time, and I felt it needed a new home where I could let it grow even more, and have better control over the design.

Wannabe Wino chronicles our wine tasting adventures as we drink our way through our ever growing collection of wine.  I live in the DC Metro area and am a semi-frequent visitor to the many vineyards that speckle the hills of Northern Virginia. We try to make a once a year or more trek out to CA and I also purchase wines from a variety of local wine shops and online.  I harbor dreams of owning my own vineyard, but for the time being I spend my days as a minion, aka an attorney.

PS- See here and here for FAQs.

15 Responses

  1. Very nice blog. Congratulations. I will be back to learn about Sonoma.
    Please Visit
    Nosso Vinho.com



  2. Your blog looks great! I’ve added it to my feed reader and I’ll be looking forward to your updates.


  3. I’m glad to have found you today, and am adding you on to my blog roll! Looking around your site, I am super-impressed.

    Madame Monet, in Marrakesh
    Writing, Painting, Music, and Wine

  4. Hi again!

    Great blog, look forward to exploring. Do you have a wine2.0 page? Just started creating mine…let’s be friends there when you set up! Preview my page below, Cheers!


  5. I love your site. Keep it up !

  6. I have been checking out your site – seeing some familiar and lotsa new. I am feeling the urge to stop typing and start clicking on all your links!!!

  7. Great blog! I will definitely be coming back 🙂

  8. I just love the place. Count me in!


  9. We are newbies at wine blogging. We’ve blogged about wine here and there but nothing serious. But we think that the time is now to actually focus more on it. Thanks for sharing! We are “wannabe winos” in WV.

  10. So many wines temptingly showcased and reviewed with alas so little time to taste them. Nevertheless, I’ll be back to do some more perusing.

  11. Hi,

    Looks like we have very similar stories. I too am a licensed attorney (although not practicing right now) that dreams of owning a winery. I became hooked on wine after a visit to the Dry Creek and Russian River Valleys. Great blog and good luck on your journey!

  12. Thanks for stopping by Nick!

  13. Ha, make this the third lawyer in the round…:) Great blog!

  14. Fun story. It looks like you are no wannabe anymore though!

  15. If you make it to Monterey, California I will show you some of my favorite tasting rooms! 🙂

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