Culinary Fool Rounds up the Sparklers!

Wow, that was incredibly fast! There seem to be a ton of entries for WBW #28 and the Culinary Fool has already managed to get the summaries of all of them up. You can find the posts here and here.

It looks like people tasted a ton of different things, with many great values to be had. I was a touch disappointed that no one like the Rumball Sparkling Shiraz, both the Culinary Fool and another blogger tasted it. I had thought it was a fun and fruity sparkler. Oh well, goes to show everyone likes something a bit different.

In perfect time for the holiday though, there are now reviews of a great variety of sparkling wines to be used to grace any festivity. Enjoy! Again, many thanks to the Culinary Fool for hosting and for being so prompt with the summary. I’m very glad I got to participate!

Wine Blogging Wednesday #28

I’ve been reading about it for a few months and I think I will participate this month since it will be the first WBW since I started my blog. The full announcement for details is over at the Culinary Fool who is hosting this month. The theme is sparklers, so I will have to peruse my collection to find something suitable or else venture out for something new.

I think I’ll try to find something under $20 since I’m sure that others are just as budget conscious as I am around the holidays.