WBW #43-Comfort Wines

Our host for this month is Joel, formerly of Vivi’s Wine Journal fame, but currently of Wine Life Today and OpenWine Consortium fame. Not to mention he’s got a new baby on the way within a few weeks! Talk about a busy guy.

Anyway, he’s come up with a new twist for this month: Comfort Wines. Your task? Simply pick any wine you love to unwind to and tell us about why it’s a comfort wine for you on March 5! This one will be a bit difficult for me…I don’t really return to the same bottle over and over again. So I’ll think on this one for the next few days to figure out what to drink!

All the details are over here on the Wine Life Today blog.

Also, don’t forget that the new WBW logo contest is still ongoing. Details here.

Open That Bottle Night is tomorrow! So dust off that bottle you’ve been hanging onto and drink it tomorrow night (or day or morning, whatever your inclination)! You can find more details here.

And, one more reminder, the Wine Book Club’s first “meeting” on Vino Italiano is next week, Feb. 26….so get reading. Details here. I’m getting there. I’m over 300 pages in, and the real meat of the book is 385…the rest is sort of an appendix, so if I can mange 85 more pages in the next few days, I’m golden!

Contests Abound!

Farley (of Behind the Vines and Wine Outlook) is hosting a contest over on Behind the Vines. She is once again participating in Open That Bottle Night (OTBN) and is highly encouraging everyone else to participate as well.

The premise behind OTBN is to go ahead and pop the cork on one of those bottles you’ve been saving for a special occasion and just haven’t gotten around to opening yet for whatever reason. The evening to open? Saturday, February 23. All Farley wants you to do is head on over to her blog and leave a comment about what bottle you think you will open by February 20. And in return, you are entered into a contest to win two bottles of wine from Rosenblum Cellars! You can read all the details, and tell her about the wine you will drink here.

Next, over on El Bloggo Torcido, El Jefe has announced “Take your Rubber Chicken to Work Week.” He’s asking everyone to pick a day between Feb. 4-10, and take your rubber chicken to work with you and document it with pictures. Then submit the pictures to Twisted Oak and everyone will win something. He will be announcing further details and prizes over the coming week, so keep your eyes open. You can read his initial announcement here. And, if you don’t happen to have an actual Twisted Oak chicken, you now order one for only $6.95 or you can bring whatever rubber chicken you already own (?) or can get your hands on before the deadline.