Bits and Bobbles

First, Tim from Cheap Wine Ratings has the WBW #52 round up posted. (Okay, he has for a few weeks already, but I’m a little slow, and wanted to wait until I had the next WBW news to post!  Looks like some great participation this month (I hosted last December, so I feel for Tim in trying to get people to turn out around the holidays!) and quite a few cheap and cheerful Value Chilean Reds to check out.  You can read the full round up here. wbw-new2

Second, the theme for WBW #53 is up!  Our host this month will be El Jefe over at Twisted Oak.  Jefe has set us to the task of selecting a breakfast wine, with the them “Wine for Breakfast.”  And, the caveats are you can’t go for the obvious-Rose, Sparkling, no dessert wine, nor any mixed wine drink like a Mimosa.  Think outside the box!  Jefe says we can go full out and drink with our breakfast (I think I’ll have to pass…) or have breakfast for dinner!  We love a good omlette for dinner in our house…but we always have a Rose with it!  Send your entry into Jefe by Jan. 14.  You can check out all the details here.

Third!  Press for Wannabe Wino!  I haven’t been able to see this month’s Wine Mutineer Magazine yet, but I hear my blog is in there as a wine blog you should be reading!  Pretty darn cool! I connected with the Wine Mutineer folks at the Wine Blogger Conference on the 2nd night’s dinner (dear lord, people who are my friends, why do you let me talk to the press after I’ve spent the afternoon drinking by the pool??) and gave a short interview about my blog!

And finally, I’m on Wine Biz Radio!  Again, why my friends didn’t stop me from talking to Randy and Kaz DIRECTLY after I’d spent 4+ hours drinking by the pool, I have no idea, but I sound surprisingly coherent (if a bit rambling) and I talk about the blog, Virginia wine and wineries, and the decision made by the VA legislature to strip the right to self distribute from our local wineries. You can listen to the whole episode, which features lots of other GREAT bloggers too, right here.

So, that’s all the news that’s fit to print here!

6 Responses

  1. My vote for a breakfast wine is an Arneis that the boys from Marrietta Winery make. I was with Chris Bilbro last summer on his boat in Alaska and we ate fresh shrimp every morning and had a bottle of Arneis that his sons made that was amazing. We shelled the shrimp immediately and cooked them in garlic and olive oil. It was an amazing way to start the day.

  2. Hey there Megan!

    I still think your interview was a fine way to wrap up the episode, since Kaz was hounding you relentlessly. You did fine, of course!

    Glad you liked it, we have at least one more WBC retrospective episode in us for 2008!


  3. The magazine should be on its way. Might take a little longer to arrive due to holidays. I hope you enjoy it.

  4. I’ve had a few Aussie shirazes lately that would make better syrup on blueberry pancakes than they would wine in a glass. Does that count? 😀

  5. Click to access MutineerMagazine3.pdf

    Here is a link to issue 3 online! Share at will! Subscribe and support us if you dig it!

  6. Thanks for the comments everyone and for a link the magazine Alan!

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