WBW News

Over at 1WineDude, Joe, our host for WBW #51 “Baked Goods,” has posted his round up of the event. Looks to be like we had about 20 participants this time, drinking all manner of “baked wines” and fortified wines. Some winners and some losers as always, but it seems everyone had a good time.  I still think we need to do WBW “Any Port in the Storm” and focus just on Port and Port-type wines!  You can read the round-up and find links to all the participants here.wbw-new

WBW #52 has also been announced!  Our host for this month will be Tim from Cheap Wine Ratings, and in keeping with the nature of his blog (bet you can’t guess what his subject is… 😉 ) he has sent us on a search for “Value Reds from Chile.”  By this, he means he’d like us to get out there and find a red wine from Chile for under $20. I don’t think I’ve ever had a red wine from Chile (I like Sauvignon Blanc from there though!) so I will be off on a hunt for something suitable this month.  All the details are here, and the deadline is Dec. 10!  Happy hunting!

2 Responses

  1. You’ve never had a red from Chile!?!?!? You are definitely missing out. There is some great stuff coming out of there. Try cool climate syrah or pinot noir.

    I can’t wait to do my wbw entry, I’m already thinking of several candidates. I wonder if my limit is 10 English pounds…

  2. Nope, never had a Chilean red as far as I can remember!

    This will be a first.

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