Wine News Round the ‘Net

Check out Wine Case for the round up of WBW #55 which Remy recently posted.  About 33 wine bloggers participated and took some interesting perspectives on North vs. South.  Head on over and see all the details.  Stay tuned for next month’s theme…I hear it involves Kosher wines!

The European Wine Blogger Conference has been announced! It will be held in Lisbon October 30-November 1.  It sounds like it will be an amazing time. I wish I lived in Eurpoe/had the means to get there to particpate.  But if you can attend, check out the site for all the details and to register.

Which brings me to the North American Wine Blogger Conference. Do you have a wine blog? Or a winery blog? Or are you a winery looking to meet wine bloggers?  Then you should sign up.  The schedule keeps shaping up and it’s going to be an amazing time! Head on over and register now!

3 Responses

  1. Oh man… Kosher PS in the HIZZZZZZY. There are some good ones too — I can definitely get my hands on the Carmel 2005 Appellation series.

    And if you want recommendations, I am happy to provide them (the QPR play is typically whites from Hagafen, Reds from Israel). Just don’t go to the store and pick one at random, because there’s a lot of drek out there!

  2. We would love for you to come out and join us at the EWBC. Tickets are generally cheap at that time, and we do our best to make the conference very affordable. That said, there’s a ticket waiting for you 😉

  3. Thanks Loweeel!

    Ah, would love to Gabriella…sadly, I don’t think Europe is in the cards this year. Maybe next year.

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