Wine Club Fail: Resolution

I love happy endings, don’t you?  I’ve now written a few posts about an issue I had with one of my wine clubs.  I wrote them, one, to show an example of what not to do, and two, to then share the unhappy resolution that I thought was the end of the topic.  You can read those installments here and here.

Not wanting to leave out any of the details, I wanted to let everyone know that I received an email from one of the owners of Bella last night and spoke with her on the phone today.  Lynn was incredibly gracious and acknowledged that they really were trying to accommodate requests from club members who wanted more wines per shipment, and didn’t really pause to think how that may prove to be an unbearable burden for all club members, especially given current economic realities.

She assured me that as soon as she arrived at Bella today, she would make sure that all club members had the option to remain at the original 6 bottle shipment terms of the club.  This is an excellent move in my opinion.  I wholeheartedly support having several different wine club levels that will allow a winery to accommodate the needs of a diverse membership.  For me, the 6 bottle option was perfect, I had no interest in a change.  Getting to try 12 wines a year works really well for me and doesn’t overburden me with wine costs.

So I am extremely happy to report that I phoned Lynn this morning, and she has placed me back into a 6 bottle shipment status, and worked with me to decide which of the wines I would like to receive in this shipment.  Kudos to Bella for monitoring their brand name and working to resolve this situation in a timely manner.  I am extremely happy to be able to remain a member of the club, as I absolutely love the wines from Bella and have written about them many times in the past.  I’m sure you’ll read more about the excellent wines of Bella here in the near future.

Mystery Wine

I admit it.  As much as I like the idea of Cellartracker, I’m far too lazy to update it every time wine arrives at my house.  Really, I would have to update it several times a week at the rate wine shows up here.  As a result, I often end up with mystery wine, wine at whose origins I can only guess.  Tonight that mystery wine is a 2006 Palagetto Chianti Colli Senesi.  If I had to venture a guess, I’d probably say this is one my dad bought.  It had a real cork closure, clocked in at 13.5% alcohol by volume, and it appears to retail for about $14.

On the nose I found strawberry, cedar, spice, pepper, flowers, and berries. Overall, the nose seemed a bit sweet.  In the mouth I got flavors of cherry, strawberry, blackberry, and pepper.  I found the wine to have a meaty quality.  The wine was easy to drink, simple, and a good everyday drinker.