Bubbly to Celebrate!

Coming on the heels of my friends’ not-so-great hospitality experience when they visited Chandon, I had a bottle of it waiting in the fridge to celebrate some most excellent news in the Wannabe Wino house.  So, while the hospitality may not be up to par, the bubbly is a good and inexpensive choice for a weeknight celebration!  My dad brought this with him when he and my mom visited last week, but we didn’t have a chance to drink it then, so we had it already chilled for just a day later when we had occasion to celebrate!  We picked the Chandon Brut Classic from California.  It had a traditional Champagne closure, clocks in at 13% alcohol by volume, and can be purchased for around $14.

On first sniffing this bubbly, I thought, it smells like beer! I also found tart green apples, toasted honey, and toast.  A fairly simple nose, but nice for the price point.  In the mouth I got green apples, citrus, and slight honey.  I found the wine to be tart and refreshing with nice bubbles.