It tastes like Chardonnay

The overwhelming impression I got from this wine was that it tasted like a Chardonnay grape. Last night’s bottle was a 2004 Goisot Bourgonge Cotes D’Auerre Chardonnay. We picked this up for $17 at Arrowine when we went tasting there a few weeks ago. And yet again, I remember liking it a lot more in store than I did at home. The wine had a real cork clousre and is 13% alcohol by volume.

Besides having the flavor of a Chardonnay grape, on the nose of this bottle there was spice. A really spicy spice, like ginger or ginger root. It was odd. In the mouth there was more Chardonnay grape and just a touch of citrus.
The finish was long, and overall it wasn’t an unpleasant wine, it just didn’t work for me.

I served it with a mishmash of leftovers from this week, and I though maybe I was doing a diservice to the wine. However, hours after dinner, it still wasn’t doing much for me and I wasn’t finding anything else but the spice and Chardonnay grape. NMS.