Preserving Wine

I know that Huevos con Vino has been checking out a cool new preservation system for his wine. And recently Farley over on Wine Outlook is looking to get a pump or something to preserve her wine. The subject seems especially pertinent to me tonight since I am home by myself and really wanted a glass of wine. So I opened a bottle. Now, I love wine, but there is absolutely no way I can drink a whole bottle by myself, even if I wanted to on a work night (now, on a weekend, maybe, since we tend to drink our bottles over an extended period of time, but on a worknight, when I didn’t get home until 6pm and I have to be back at work at 6am, there is just no way).

Someone gave us a wine vacuum pump as a wedding present. We’ve used it only a handful of times. Wine bottles don’t usually last past a night in our house. 🙂 However, the few times we have used it, we’ve had mixed results. It seems to work better with red wine than it does with while wine. The whites always remind me of when you go to a bar and get a glass of wine and you just know that bottle has been in the fridge overnight. The reds seem to fare better, but I guess I would attribute that to the fact that our reds tend to have more aging potential in general than our whites.

Now tonight, I’ve been sipping on a white. And it’s pretty darn tasty. I’m kind of sad that I know it just won’t taste very good tomorrow.

Which brings me to my question: if you ever find yourself with a partial bottle of wine left, what do you do with it?