Virginia Winery Suggestions?

We were talking last night about what we want to do on Monday since we have the day off from work. Matt suggested a trip to visit more winieries in Virginia. We don’t want to go too far from home this time, so within an hour and a half of Arlington please!

Last time we ventured out we stopped out Tarara, Willowcraft, Lost Creek and Hiddenbrook. We’ve also been to the Williamsburg Winery at least a dozen times, though that’s farther than we want to go on Monday!

I’m thinking maybe Chrysalis Vinyeards and Swedenburg Wines in Middleburg, VA, but if you have suggestions that would be in a bit more of a cluster (or ones we could visit on that trip) that would be great. Ideally, we would hit 3 or 4 in the course of a day. Hopefully one would have light lunch fare available, or else be near a town with food options.

I appreciate any and all suggestions. Even if it’s a completely different area than what I currently have in mind. Thanks!