I’m completely frustrated

I am trying my hardest to add those lovely RSS feed and Toast This! features to my blog. And I cannot, for the life of me, get it to work.

I signed the blog up over at Feedburner. Sweet, I can do that much. Then I attempted to put the RSS feed button in the sidebar with my “about me” and all that jazz. No dice. I could get it to show up at the bottom of the blog, but how useless. So I gave up.

Then, I figured, okay, well, I’ll go ahead and give the Toast This! Feature a try, as it seemed easier. Wow, I must be really dumb. I followed all the instructions. I activated the Feedflare features, added the button for Toast This!, clicked for both site and feed, saved, and even managed to find the correct place in my html template to insert the generated code. And, still, it is not showing up.

I’ll straight up admit that I am an html/computer science challenged idiot. Can anyone help me or tell me what I am doing wrong? Did I miss something, like an initial bit of code I needed to have before I could get the Feedflare codes to work?


Edited to add: Apparently I managed to get the Toast and Digg features to work. In the interest of not deleting this post and because I still can’t get the RSS Feed to work, I’ll leave it up.

Not a Pinot Grigio Fan

We had a bottle of 2005 Weingut Hillinger Pinot Grigio last night. I’m really not a pinot grigio person. They usually don’t do much for me, but that’s probably because after being subjected to so many bad ones by the glass in bars, at weddings and at people’s houses I’m not sure I’m willing to part with my wine money for any more. I find them flabby and lacking character and that leaves me hesitant to buy them.

Matt wanted to try buy this one when were at the Curious Grape. It was inexpensive, around $8, had a plastic cork and is 12% alcohol by volume. I’ll say it’s better than other pinot grigios I’ve had, but it still didn’t do much for me.

It had an indistinct nose, which generally isn’t a good sign. A little sweet and floral in the mouth. I also got some sort of sweet fruits, but I really couldn’t pick them out, they just seemed indistinguishable. There was a slight rubbing alcohol aftertaste on this one. It’s not for me.

Anyone have any suggestions for a good pinot grigio to give me some faith in this wine?