Attack of the Killer Crab Legs!

Given the mid-60s temperatures, I am again having trouble believing it is winter. Plus, the store still has fresh caught crab legs and steamers on sale, so seafood feast it was at the Wannabe Wino’s house last night.

With our seafood, what better than a Sauvignon Blanc? We picked this bottle up at the tasting at Arrowine the other night. I remember liking it more at the tasting, not to say that it wasn’t a good wine still. The bottle was Domaine du Carrou 2005 Sancerre Dominique Roger. Cork closure, $18.99 and 13% alcohol by volume.

It wasn’t sweet, but also wasn’t too dry. I got some grass and something else, a little fruity but not something I’ve had before. It’s the 3rd time in recent memory I’ve run into a similar flavor and my reference books are leading me to believe that it might be gooseberries. But I’ve never had a gooseberry, so I don’t know what that tastes like. I think that will be my quest in the next weeks. Find out what gooseberry smells/tastes like. I also noted in the wine a lack of any minerality, which is something I’ve come to expect from sauvignon blancs. Overall a tasty wine, though the price might be a little steep for what I found in this bottle.

4 Responses

  1. Hello Sonadora,

    It was in my first glass of Sancerre that I discovered the subtle scent of cat pee. Odd scent, but it sure was tasty. I also have had to visit the grocer to pick up various fruits to figure out scent/taste profiles. Wine Enthusiast sells a nice scent kit if you already do not have it. At any rate, sounds like a nice pair : )

    Happy Sipping!


  2. Thanks for the tip Dezel. I’ve been contemplating one of those scent kits, though I’m not quite sure I’m there yet. Maybe for my birthday. Though I will be on the hunt for gooseberries this week!

  3. Did you find any gooseberries yet? My mother used to grow them in our garden when I was a kid; they are juicy and very tart…you can probably find gooseberry preserves if you can’t locate fresh gooseberries. Incidentally, gooseberry jam is really good.

  4. No, not yet! Haven’t been to the grocery store. Perhaps on Sunday. I think they do carry gooseberry jam at the store.

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